The case for keeping Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger within ECOWAS
On why the ECOWAS leadership should avoid playing into the hands of junta leaders in the Sahelian states
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I: When landlocked countries decide to cut their noses to spite their faces
This post was due to come out mid next week but parts of it have since been overtaken by events (it’s always nice when policymakers see the light!) Earlier today (February 24, 2024) ECOWAS announced the suspension of sanctions against the military governments in the region (see communique). The move is welcome for the reasons outlined in this post.
From a trade and logistics standpoint, the only thing worse than being landlocked is being landlocked while at loggerheads with all your transit neighbors. Yet last month the governments of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger announced their intention to pull out of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Among other things, they cited economic sanctions and political meddling as the reasons behind their deci…