
I thought to post this here for your consideration. Like many other generally good, peaceful people on this planet I don't believe or need any of this hearsay from any of these old, non-sensible, man-made religious books to be a good person with purpose and a good life. However, I learn what I can from who I can most of the time and want to share this interview below with you that I got in an email today. If you find anything incorrect in any of this please let me know. Thank you.

"In today’s show originally broadcast on February 23 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, "The Real Story Of The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind - Part 3." (1:01:32 audio podcast)

Feb 23

We discussed: the books of Stephen Mitford Goodson; Stephen's 9 years on the board of the South African Reserve Bank, which gave him a knowledge of central banking that was second to none; how the money changers that Jesus Christ drove out of the temple with a whip are very similar to the money changers we suffer today; how Tsar Alexander 1 effectively put Russia in the cross-hairs of the Rothschilds, by refusing to allow them to set up a central bank in Russia; how Russia became the world's leading producer of food in 1913; why Jacob Schiff financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia; Winston Churchill's 1920 article "Zionism Vs Bolshevism" that reveals who was behind the Bolshevik Revolution; how the Australian banking system was a great boon to the Australian People, until the private central bankers got hold of it; how the Rothschilds used World War 1 to obtain their own country via the Balfour Declaration; why the bankers have to control the mainstream media; how the bankers plans for a world currency and a world government go back many many years; and many other topics."

Click Here To Listen To The Show


"A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind"

By Stephen Mitford Goodson


Best regards,




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Also I just noticed this audio book version and have downloaded the PDF and the fourteen MP3 files for it.


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Many of us truth advocates appreciate people like yourself who try to learn and share the best truth they can. I've been doing the same thing since 2007 in America. I'd joined the military a year before what happened on 9/11/01 and then went on to serve some in Kuwait, Iraq, and in Djibouti, Africa not long after that for the "war on terror". Since then I've learned that our US gov and US legacy mainstream media is more or less fake and has lied about many major political events in our history books. The ones I speak of are mostly from 1913 until today since the "Federal" Reserve took us over. This is just one of the major points of usurpation of our nation and our minds here in America. Regardless of good and bad history all over the world in their time, I discovered that from their experience our Founders gave us a Republic and principles for real liberty and security, and peace; not the illusion of these things in a democracy scam. And this democracy scam today also uses worthless electronic voting machines. I believe in sharing the best truth we can for all of us so we can learn from each other for our God-given rights for Nature and Security and Peace. I don't believe in doing psyop scams on anyone for any reason. When I joined the military in 2000 I had no idea about lies in history or anything about "false flag" psyop scams or any twisted, illegal scams like that going on. I'm trying to learn about a Republic more in my spare time so I can teach people about it for everyone's benefit. Please see and share my Link tree https://linktr.ee/michaelatkinson

Best regards,


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